A Few Herbal Remedies To Offer Anxiety Relief

Anxiety affects all of us.

It’s true that it is natural for the body to respond with symptoms of anxiety for a variety of reasons and external stressors. That being said, most people have experienced anxiety in some form or another during their lifetime. The good news is that anxiety does not have to be an ongoing issue and there are many ways to combat the symptoms, including natural ways using herbs. So let us examine how our nervous system deals with anxiety so we can better understand the symptoms it manifests and the natural ways to relieve these symptoms.

Anxiety can affect each of us with varying symptoms.

Not only is every person’s stressors different, but each person’s reaction to external stressors can produce a slightly different symptom of anxiety. Some of these external stressors are things like anticipating bad news from the doctor after undergoing a series of medical tests, expecting a negative reaction from your spouse’s parents after you both have decided to move your young family far away, or maybe you are overworked and underpaid and must commute to a job that you despise. There are hundreds of reasons your body may exhibit the following various symptoms, and to varying degrees:

�Sweating, either general dampness or profuse wetness
�Distraction, being unable to concentrate on the task at hand
�A dry mouth and a thirst that cannot be quenched
�Tension and tightness in muscles
�A racing heart or palpitations
�Feeling shaky or jittery
�A heaviness in the chest
�Having a general feeling of impending doom

In addition to feeling some or all of the symptoms listed here, there are a myriad of other symptoms that can manifest. Some people even break out in a rash due to anxiety and stress. And it’s also true that these symptoms can be fleeting or may linger for a long time, depending on the source of the stress.

Long periods of exposure to a stressor may produce more symptoms of anxiety.

The longer a person is subjected to the stressor, the longer the anxiety will last and the more symptoms a person may experience. On the other hand, if a person’s anxiety is the result of a reaction to a single and isolated external event then the symptoms should subside when the event is over. For instance, a child may be anxious because he is anticipating a shot during his doctor’s appointment. Once the child receives the shot, his anxiety should subside and his symptoms should cease. But a more complicated stressor, like friction between siblings that causes anxiety, is expected to last longer. In a case like this, a person is likely to exhibit symptoms of anxiety for a while prior to a visit or meeting with the sibling � due to the anticipation of the event � and then also suffer from symptoms for a time after the event. And it’s possible that the list of symptoms in this case could also include things like irritability, constipation or diarrhea.

Left untreated, anxiety and stress can actually produce true illness.

Our bodies and minds are meant to withstand regular everyday external stress at varying degrees and with varying proficiencies. Even though a person’s anxiety may manifest itself with symptoms as outlined above, this is normal and many of the symptoms are part of the body’s natural fight or flight response to perceived danger. But there are also stressors that are prolonged, like the stress of being overworked and underpaid and generally despising the job that is barely allowing you to put food on the table. Continued exposure to this type of stress, one that touches on all aspects of your life and is always present, can lead to more extreme symptoms of anxiety, like insomnia, chest pains, even loss of libido or a full-fledge illness like migraines and high blood pressure.

Remedy your stress and anxiety using herbs and natural strategies.

After spending some time outlining what stress is and how is can manifest itself, let’s talk about things a person can do to manage the symptoms of stress. There are several things one can do at home quite successfully. If the anxiety is mild, listening to some calming music, giving yourself a little quiet time, or burning incense will go a long way towards relaxing your mind and body, thereby alleviating some anxiety symptoms. When one’s anxiety is more severe, there over-the-counter herbal remedies that can help. Emerging research shows that B Complex Vitamins, L-Theanine and St. John’s Wort are all very effective when treating anxiety in combination with other home remedies.

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