A Supermarket For Event Planning

One-stop shopping is where it’s at today.
When you’re planning your family’s meals for the week, where do you plan to go? It’s off to the supermarket, with its myriad of choices.
When you’re planning an event, and need the expertise and resources to pull it off, where can you go? Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to The Event Organiser you go, located on the web at www.theeventorganiser.com.
Here, they offer a wide selection of services to help you stage the event you’ve dreamed of� but had nightmares about as well. With so much to think about and so many providers to consider, this site makes your task easier.
What are they all about? Chiefly, they’re all about saving you money on migraine medicine. They help take away the worry you may experience when you see the size of the project you’ve undertaken. It’s your one stop shopping for any special occasion, corporate event, or showcase.
Next, they offer you the opportunity to outsource your event planning needs to a variety of service providers. You can outsource the entire project, or aspects thereof. It’s up to you. Whatever you need they can provide.
Here’s what they offer to you on their site:
”Event organizers’ and ‘event planners’ ready to bid on your project
‘Contractors and service providers willing to bid on specific aspects of your particular event
‘Speakers, entertainers, and musicians ready willing and able to perform at your venue
‘Stage crews, and the agencies that provide them; for the nitty-gritty physical work that needs to get done
‘A listing of venues and hotels that you can invite to bid on your project
‘A listing of caterers for the all important dining aspect of your event
‘A listing of equipment and services you may need to make your event run smoothly
All of the above and more is available under one virtual roof.
The Event Organiser provides a platform for industry professionals to meet and barter with those who need their services. Whether it’s a corporate due or an exhibition, they can facilitate a working relationship between buyers and providers.
Their website lists event freelancers and their profiles as well. You wouldn’t buy a house without seeing it first; neither should you hire someone without seeing their credentials. The Event Organiser site lists ratings, comments, and information about their member providers.
For service providers there is the opportunity to list what they do best, on the site. Those who seek their services can do a virtual walk down this supermarket aisle for that particular event service. Gone are the days of thumbing through directories that list providers under strange headings. Here is an event planner’s dream – all resources for their showcase in one place.
They even list member music studio and music industry professionals, as well as Multi-media, PR, and Advertising pros. With today’s sophisticated event-goers, these resources would be valuable to staging event entertainment of substance.
Of course, a big part of any successful event is the venue. At www.theeventorganiser.com they display information about their member ‘venue providers’ to ease the selection process. They really are concerned about those migraines. A ‘Venues’ listing includes a profile, description, and picture of the venue. Do you need a cash bar? Will you need a venue with a kitchen so you can heat up the food? Your search is made easier as The Event Organiser allows a swift process-of-elimination exercise to help you make a well informed decision.
Event freelancers abound in any region. When getting down to the details of your event planning you want to distill alternatives quickly. Time spent searching could be better spent selecting. With this site, it’s easier as event freelancers (who are members) position themselves under various categories. Simple mouse clicks, and a who’s who, what they offer, and where they are, is made available.
When push comes to shove and you want to stage the event but not do the day-to-day, you can hire an event planner to do it all. You can also hire an advertising or public relations provider if the exhibition calls for it. This site lists professionals who will manage the whole process from soup to nuts. Just like the supermarket you frequent. Only you will enjoy the fruits of the expedition without actually pushing the cart. That’s what the event planner does, and will do, when you consider their bids and hire one.
With event planners constrained by limited time and budgets, a resource that can help save time and money can make event planning less stressful.
Necessity is the mother of invention; today it’s a necessity to make wise decisions. This site is the invention event planners can take hold of and really use. It can help make all their decision making easier.

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