Ayurveda’s Simple Method Of Controlling Anxiety Attack

How can we Control Anxiety Attack?

Competition, demands, pressure and many more things lead to anxiety attack, which we tend to ignore due to time limitation. We expose ourselves to noise, traffic, music and other types of pollution, which stimulates our brain and increases anxiousness.

Anxiety attack can be treated effectively through ayurveda, which believes in following healthy and simple steps to resolve all mind related issues. Yoga has different types of asana, which help you to control and relax your mind. It is also helpful in controlling hypertension. Meditation lightens up your mind as well as body.

There are simple steps for controlling anxiety attack.

Add 1/3 cup of ginger and 1/3 cup of baking soda in the water and soak them for around 15 minutes. Use this water for bathing, it is very effective in calming your mind.

One can massage their body with sesame oil, sunflower or coconut or corn oil. Warm the oil and rub it gently throughout the body either in the morning or before going to sleep.

One can also have almond milk every day, as they are considered to be good for your health. Herbal tea is another remedy and having 2 cups on daily basis can help you a lot. Orange juice and other fruit juice taken along with honey are some of the simple steps that one can follow for a healthy and peaceful mind.

Can Ayurveda help in reducing mental tension?

Ayurveda has lot of remedies to reduce mental tension, which is mainly caused due to stress at the work place, family issues, financial issues and many more. If this kind of stress is ignored, it might lead to severe health issues including cardiac attack. One of simplest method of living a healthy life is to consume good and fresh food, which can keep your mind and body healthy. It is always suggested to have lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and honey instead of sugar, butter, etc., as they are considered to be nutritious and helps you in building good mind.

One needs to limit the intake of coffee, tea, chocolate, sugar, fast food, and many others, as they can help you to reduce mental tension.

Deep breath helps you to control your brain and relaxes your heart, which is very important when you feel stressed. When your brain is cool and calm it can resolve issues faster, quicker and in a better way.

Herbal oil bath once or twice a week helps you a lot to relax the body. The procedure is to apply oil from head to toe and have bath in Luke warm or cold water. Meditating every day in the morning helps you to control your stress and anxiety patterns. Walking and swimming also helps you to build a strong mind and reduce mental tension.

Balanced and calm mind can help you to solve many issues faster and in a healthy way. One can develop the habit of reading novels, religious books, gardening, and many more, as they keep your brain occupied on interesting and good things.

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