Baby Colic Symptoms And Treatment

Baby colic is one of the common disorders in infants. Baby colic is characterized by repeated excessive crying episodes, without any distinguishable reason. Most often, parents tend to blame themselves as the cause of the crying and see it as their incapability to handle the baby. However, baby colic has nothing to do with parenting, and the real reason behind the disorder remains unclear. The interesting fact associated with this disease is that the disorder can typically occur in well fed healthy babies. A baby suffering with baby colic is seen crying three or more hours per day, three or more days per week, ongoing for three or more weeks, however, it is not considered as a serious disorder since the symptoms will gradually disappear by its own, without any particular treatment.

Usually the outbreak of baby colic starts from three weeks of age and becomes severe in between six weeks and eight weeks. It will slowly subside by three months of time. Any how, in some cases, baby colic will last for six months of time. Even though it does not cause any impairment in the growth and development o the child, it creates must annoyance to the parents since no parent can easily tolerate his or her child crying.

Baby colic can be differentiated from other disorders, with its characteristic symptom of periodic outbreak of crying, which cannot be soothed easily and associated symptoms such as baby extending its legs, arching its back, face becoming red, clenching its fists, passing gas and having difficulty in passing stools. It is also seen that it will regularly occur in early evenings, which is related with disturbances in melatonin diurnal rhythm. The underlying reason that caused the disease is constantly being searched for and the possible answers include adverse conditions while pregnancy such as maternal prenatal anxiety, cigarette smoking, or labor medication,

The treatment for baby colic is not definite since the possible reason is not clear. However, many reasons can be looked at. The important reasons include the insufficient neurological development of baby, digestive system related problems, gas, protein allergies and diet problems of feeding mothers. The primary care for the baby is given according to the symptoms for outbreak of crying.

Baby colic treatment mainly includes measures to console the child. Primarily check whether your baby has any discomfort such as the need to change the diaper or hunger. If these are not a problem, then try to soothe the baby by taking them in horizontal position and keep them in motion. You can cradle, rock or dance with them in hand if you have any discomfort to carry in hand, take the child in a sling or front pack. Listening to white music and vibrations such as of appliances is also seen as being soothing for the child.

In case of baby colic due to digestive complaints, you have to lay your baby on their stomach, in order to pass gas. Gripewater, Mylicon drops and colic tablets may have to be given in prescribed dosage to avoid gas and other such digestive problems. If the baby is milk intolerant or fructose intolerant, in bottle fed babies, try to use any of the specific formulas such as Whey-based, Soy-based, and Hypoallergenic formulas. In breast fed babies, the mother has to be conscious to avoid spicy foods and allergenic substances such as high fibre grains, beans, onions broccoli, cabbage, and caffeine in diet, to avoid discomfort for the baby.

Baby colic is a temporary disorder in infants, which require patient attention and pampering formulas to overcome the repeated bouts of crying.

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