Education Through Music

Education Through Music. Awareness Shows is an organization that uses music as a medium for teaching and Education Through Music.

They travel from school to school singing the lessons that are usually hard to make children and teenagers relate and understand. These lessons relate to social, emotional & environmental education , a very effective way for Education Through Music.

Awareness Shows curriculum covers a wide range of topics that are presented by Professional Musicians taking time away from their work.

These musicians are highly qualified which adds to the experience. An example of some of the topics are things like depression, drink driving and the environment, and as you can see these are usually hard lessons to teach children effectively.

The musicians teach the topic using original methods that allow it to be easily received and enjoyed by the students which in turn leads to it been remembered better and implemented in their lives.

Their website, Awareness Shows, is set up to give you an overview of how Education Through Music is beneficial to your school and how to get in touch with young people providing them the correct awareness through music.

Awareness Shows is based in Australia and assist in Education Through Music throughout Australia, New Zealand and America. To visit their website simply click on the link below.

Awareness Shows curriculum on Education Through Music is very thorough while at the same time it is very entertaining.

The curriculum covers various topics that you may choose from when ordering the show. There are two main courses, the first focusing in on our state of mind and social situations and the second is more of an environmental lesson teaching about the effects current corporations and people as a whole are having on the environment.

The first type of topics they provide are all based on social interaction and things that are effecting people of this age group.

These topics include social & emotional well-being, drink driving & drug/alcohol issues, self-esteem resilience & bullying, physical & emotional abuse, loss & bereavement, consciousness & spiritual health & positive decision making.

The second sets of topics are more universal and focus on the environment. This is also an important thing to learn about as educating this generation is crucial in creating a healthier future.

Some of the actual topics include climate change and sustainability, natural disasters, consumerism, indigenous issues, environmental appreciation.

The price is quite cheap as it is $7.50 per student although this must be paid before the musicians attends.

There is also a limit to how many students must pay before they can attend. This is because the musicians need to pay for things like travel and equipment. There is more information on the site that discusses the costs involved.

Education Through Music isn’t a new idea but it has been cultivated and perfected to resonate with students in schools.

This is why it is a great idea to book Awareness Shows as they can provide great lessons to the students while also inspire change in their attitudes through memorable performances.

Awareness Shows is using the most powerful tool in history for Education Through Music and to raise awareness on many important subjects.

They also inspire young people to make positive choices at an emotional, social and environmental level, for the benefit of themselves, their school, community and the world.

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