Especially On The Upcoming National Opt Out Day

(NaturalNews) New evidence is emerging that the TSA is assaulting and humiliating cancer survivors as part of its aggressive pat-down procedures. Last week, a breast cancer survivor (and former flight attendant) who lost one of her breasts to cancer was forced by TSA to remove and show them her prosthetic breast as part of their security pat-down procedure.

Her name is Cathy Bossi, and she didn’t even opt out of the naked body scanner. TSA agents suspected her breast prosthesis might be a bomb, so after she was irradiated by the body scanners, they subjected her to an aggressive pat-down as well. A DailyMail article reports Bossi describing the encounter with the TSA agent, “She put her full hand on my breast and said, ‘What is this?’. And I said,sac lancel, ‘It’s my prosthesis because I’ve had breast cancer.’ And she said,ralph lauren, ‘Well, you’ll need to show me that’.” ()

TSA leaves another cancer patient covered in urineIn another outrageous incident reported by MSNBC, a retired teacher named Thomas Sawyer was left “humiliated, crying and covered with his own urine” after being subjected to an aggressive pat-down at the Detroit Metropolitan Airport.

“I was absolutely humiliated, I couldn’t even speak,” says Sawyer ().

Sawyer is a bladder cancer survivor who wears a urostomy bag that collects his urine. He has to wear special clothing to accommodate the urine bag, and even though he tried to explain his medical condition to the TSA agents, they treated him with the same arrogant “Whatever!” attitude as they began the aggressive pat-down procedure.

During this pat down,mercurial, the TSA agent dislodged his urostomy bag, causing urine to start dribbling down Sawyer’s body. He then had to walk through the airport soaked in his own urine, board the airplane,mercurial vapor, and wait until the plane was in the air before he could use the bathroom to clean himself up. The TSA never apologized,supra, never offered to help and never even acknowledged that they had done anything wrong.

This is the kind of cruelty the TSA is now engaged in on a daily basis, it seems. Humiliating cancer patients is just a small taste of the outrageous actions carried out by TSA agents in the name of “security.”

TSA head says nothing will changeDespite the horrific abuses of travelers at the hands of TSA agents, TSA head John Pistole insists that nothing will change. “If you’re asking, am I going to change the policies? No.” he said in a CNN interview ().

The TSA keeps citing “terrorism” as the reason they have to treat American travelers as terrorists. As long as they keep pounding fear into our heads, in other words, they think they can get away with molesting and humiliating us.

Beware of handing power to the federal government. Once granted such powers, it will always seek to expand those powers, even if it means trampling on the rights, freedoms and dignity of the American people. The TSA was once a department of a couple hundred people. Now it’s over 65,000 employees, and they’re not going to easily give up their power to molest and dominate air travelers.

What you can do: Opt out when you travelIt’s up to you and I to protest this harassment. Opt out when you travel, especially on the upcoming national opt out day:

Stay informed by visiting websites such as and and even

Keep sharing the “Don’t Touch My Junk” song and videoAs part of the online protest against the TSA’s outrageous actions, I’ve written the Don’t Touch My Junk song which has now gone viral across the web,polo ralph lauren, racking up 116,supra shoes,000 views on YouTube and 92,000 views on NaturalNews.TV just since Friday.

Here’s the song page where you can watch the videos and download the music for free:

Watch the video on YouTube at:

Or see it on NaturalNews.TV at:

Warning: This song is NOT for children! This is a mature-themed song that addresses adult issues such as privacy,mercurial, freedom, civil rights, etc. It attempts to use humor to make an important point about freedom.

Thank you for sharing this song and joining the grassroots resistance to an out-of-control government agency that is now terrorizing far more Americans than the terrorists themselves!Get breaking health news + a LIFETIME 7% discount on everything at the NaturalNews StoreJoin two million monthly readers. Email privacy 100% protected. Unsubscribe atany time. Articles Related to This Article:•

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About the author: Mike Adams is an award-winning journalist and holistic nutritionist with a passion for sharing empowering information to help improve personal and planetary health He has authored and published thousands of articles, interviews, consumers guides,burberry soldes, and books on topics like health and the environment, and he has published , including ,air jordan, ,mercurial vapor, and . Adams is an honest, independent journalist and accepts no money or commissions on the third-party products he writes about or the companies he promotes. In mid 2010, Adams produced,lancel, a offering user-generated videos on nutrition, green living, fitness and more. He’s also the founder of a well known whose ‘Email Marketing Director’ software currently runs the NaturalNews subscription database. Adams is currently the executive director of the , a 501(c)3 non-profit, and pursues hobbies such as martial arts, Capoeira,burberry, nature macrophotography and organic gardening. Known by his callsign, the ‘Health Ranger,’ Adams posts his missions statements, health statistics and health photos at
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