Learn To Control Your Panic Attacks, Anxiety And Depression And Become The New And Happy You

Sufferers of nervousness and depression total in the millions in the U.S. Anxiety and depression tear down the cohesiveness of families, with many ending in the tragedy of separation, divorce, hospitalization and even institutionalization.

Those who suffer from severe cases of anxiety and depression feel as though they are controlled by the illness and suffer from mood swings, sleeplessness, loss of appetite and a sense of deep-rooted despair and apprehension. If you are suffering from anxiety and depression, the symptoms can be so wide-ranging that it is like being on a roller coaster ride. Researchers in the medical field generally believe that anxiety and depression disorders may be inherited and can lead to life threatening situations.

The abuse of drugs and alcohol can contribute to, or become the main cause of mental illnesses. Women are often more prone to acute mood swings leading to anxiety and depression, due to hormonal swings, menstrual cycle changes, pregnancy, miscarriage, pre-menopause and post menopause, including other health factors.

Some of the more familiar symptoms of anxiety attacks and depression are:

1. An inability to rise above fear, vagueness, self-isolation, deep sadness, persistent anxiety, emptiness, isolation and foreboding.

2. A unshakeable feeling of hopelessness, despair and gloom.

3. Imprisonment in guilt both imagined and real, helplessness and acute lack of self value.

4. Constant fatigue, idleness, slow metabolism and loss of energy.

5. An inability to remain focused, indefiniteness, and an unshakeable helplessness.

6. Continuous restlessness during the night leading to incapability to go into rem sleep, followed by extreme insomnia.

7. Eating binges, followed by loss of appetite leading to unexplainable weight loss or weight gain.

8. Continual self-isolation, leading to constant brooding and suicidal feelings.

9. Persistent irritability, quick tempered, spontaneous anger and continual restlessness.

10. Headaches and persistent pain, leading to unremitting disorders, the hypochondriac syndrome.

If you suffer from any of the symptoms listed above, and a significant behavioral change, you should directly consult with your physician. Your doctor will likely ask you to undergo a thorough examination to establish if the causes for anxiety or depression may be physical. If no physical condition is determined to exist, your doctor may recommend that you make an appointment to see a psychiatrist or psychologist.

By forcing yourself to take management f your health, you will likely feel more in control. Make a conscious effort to replace negative words like exhaustion, worthlessness, and hopelessness with constructive self-imaging words like energetic, meaningful and hopeful. Just the act of setting small, achievable goals can have dramatic, life-changing results in how you believe, feel and act. Consider making these changes and feel the difference.

The introduction of meditation, meditative music and relation techniques have very calming and beneficial long term effects.
Think back to when you were a child. Let yourself be absorbed by drawing, playing an instrument, taking a nature walk and really observing the wonders of life.
Go out and meet people and participate in group activities.
Taking a no hurry walk along the river with someone you trust, going to a movie, a picnic for two, or a play can build upon an increasing comfort zone.
Understand and acknowledge the true meaning of be lief: you have both the liberty and the God-given right to be positive, self confident and having faith in being the best person you desire to be. It is said that “Faith itself is a great healer.” The Master Healer said on many occasions “your faith has made you whole.”

So many hopeless individuals filled with anxiety, fear and depression have the capability within them to change themselves and their world for the better, but refuse to believe it.

It is still the wisest course to seek the assistance of a physician and not rely solely upon self diagnosis and treatment. Professional medical treatment may include anti-depressant medicines, psychotherapy and doctor monitored lifestyle changes. Whenever extreme cases are found, electro-convulsive or light therapies may be ordered.

Should your situation deteriorate to a point of feeling suicidal, seek immediate treatment from your professional health care provider. If you cannot right away make direct contact with your medical doctor or psychiatrist, call 911. There are readily available professionals who can take you in hand, lead and talk you beyond a temporary predicament.

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