Make Someone Happy By Sending Flowers

A good way of expressing your feelings is by sending flowers for special occasions. Flowers can be sent for a formal occasion to a business associate or for a intimate occasion to close friends. Sending flowers is a lovely way to make the recipient happy, and also to let them know that you care.

Sending flowers to your romantic interest is a great way to spark a new relationship. Your love interest will think you are very special for thinking of them. You can get an idea of the flowers that your love likes, or if there are any allergies, by seeking the advice of family and friends. Continue to send flowers as the relationship develops.

Of course, there are traditional meanings for many flowers, and some choose them based on the message they send. Who does not know that red roses mean “I love you” or even a single red rose can send a more powerful message than an expensive arrangement of random flowers? If things are not that serious, pink roses mean “I like you.”

Music and theatre performances are also great occasions in which to send flowers. Dancers and other performers often receive flowers in bouquets on both opening night as well as other nights of performances. Flowers can convey the same meaning as a standing ovation but last a lot longer. Skating performances are a good example of performances receiving flowers. Many bouquets are thrown to the ice after a performance.

Notable life events are also a good reason to send flowers. Birthdays are an obvious choice, often with the number of blossoms equaling the number of years old of the recipient. Anniversaries as well are a great time to remember someone with flowers. How romantic it is to get the same kind of flowers a spouse sent to you the very first time! The birth of a child or grandchild is also a great time for sending flowers.

A good chance to express sympathy by sending flowers occurs during sad times. Send flowers to celebrate the life of one who has passed and give reason to be cheerful for accomplishments during life. Another great reason to send flowers are to let someone know you are thinking of them if they are ill or have had to spend time in the hospital. Perhaps the best time to give flowers occurs after the bulk of flowers have arrived; after a funeral or when a person has been out of the hospital for a few days.

There are many other special occasions that are made brighter with the gift of flowers, such as graduations, a new home or a new job. Another great occasion is a personal visit when you bring flowers as part of your visit. In winter, when there are few flowers around, a floral offering can make any day a special one.

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