Maximizing Weight Loss With Science-based Supplements

Quick, Rapid Weight Loss!

Music to the ears of many who struggle with weight loss and desperately seek products that take the hard work, self-discipline and important lifestyle changes out of the equation. Then its not predictable that since the early 1990’s misperception has been the name of the weight loss game with unscrupulous marketers and advertisers touting near impossible results with their “magic” remedies.

Consequently, the weight loss supplements segment, as a whole, has often taken a beating for the bogus claims and benefits of the exploitative component of the industry. However, the overweight public’s desire for effective, natural supplements to support healthy weight loss programs has not waned. On the contrary, as the population’s waistline grows, so does its cravings for help.

To the natural supplements industry’s credit, and taking into account that the weight loss segment is a relatively young category, emerging science is taking a stronger and more leading role in the research and development of new, safe, and effective products to combat the swelling issue of obesity. In the last few years there have been a number of effective innovations and diligent research is helping build credibility for a group of impressive ingredients and products. Also, many responsible manufacturer’s are focusing on customer awareness of the function of weight loss supplements as an adjunct or aid to the dietary and lifestyle changes required for healthy weight reduction.

Much research reveals that there are differing metabolic issues that impact weight. Sluggish metabolism, excess appetite and cravings, and fluctuating blood sugar levels can place a road block on the path to successful weight loss even for the most dedicated individual. Satiety and appetite suppression, craving control, improving the body’s composition (increasing lean muscle mass) and metabolism are key factors in obtaining control.

Enter Efficacious Weight Loss Supplements:

There is no magic weight loss pill, pharmaceutical or natural supplement based. However, when used in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise there are some natural ingredients that scientific study have been shown to be effective in the battle against the bulge.

As with most supplements, it is wise to choose a synergistic combination of ingredients in a formulation rather than a single ingredient product. This not only provides simplicity of use, but more often than not will offer a more economical means. The following ingredients have been clinically studied and would be useful as part of a well-rounded formulation. They include:

Coleus Forskohlii:

Coleus Forskohlii is an herb from the mint family. Its active constituent of forskolin has been shown to support weight loss through the lipolysis (breakdown of fat). Clinical studies show that forskolin can enhance lean muscle mass, promote fat loss and weight loss while maintaining a healthy body composition.

Green Tea:

Green tea contains a component called EGCG and through research, has been shown to support weight loss. Health Canada approves this supplement as an adjunct to weight management when used in conjunction with caffeine. It acts as a thermogenic (speeds up metabolism).

Citrus aurantium:

Also known as the bitter orange, this plant has been used in Chinese medicine for many years as a health tonic. Research has shown that it can help suppress appetite, increase metabolic rate and caloric expenditure while increasing energy levels. The active ingredient is p-synephrine.

Magnolia Bark:

Stress can contribute to weight gain through the imbalance in various hormones (insulin, adipokines, leptin, etc). Magnolia bark is an herb used to reduce the stress hormone response and reduce levels of cortisol and inflammation, both of which contribute to weight gain through impaired metabolism and cravings for sugar and carbohydrates. Magnolia has been used to aid weight loss, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep.


Chromium is a trace mineral that is essential for glucose regulation, carbohydrate metabolism and energy production. It can help reduce cravings through its ability to support blood sugar levels. .

Healthy Fats:

There are a number of healthy fats that help support weight loss. A low fat diet is not the ideal way to lose weight. Fat is necessary for the body to function well, but it is the TYPE of fat consumed. CLA, flaxseed, MCT’s (medium chain triglycerides from coconut oil) and fish oils are healthy fats conducive to weight loss. Science is confirming the benefit of Omega 3 fish oil to help aid weight loss AND help reduce the risk factors (cardiovascular disease, diabetes, inflammation, etc) associated with excess weight


Fibre is an important part of any diet and has many health benefits associated with its daily intake. It can help support weight loss through its ability to help control blood sugar and reduce appetite.

Whey Protein:

Whey protein is an ideal source of protein for any individual, but especially for those looking to lose weight. It is a lean protein rich in branch chain amino acids. Research has shown that it helps regulate blood sugar levels, reduce appetite and cravings and when used in conjunction with regular exercise can reduce fat mass and increase lean body mass.

A well formulated product will help curb appetite and cravings that can lead to binge or overeating. They will help regulate blood sugar levels which in turn can reduce insulin production so it does not lead to additional fat storage. A product that contains ingredients to reduce stress (like Magnolia) will assist in weight loss through reducing hormonal imbalances and its related fat storage mechanism while improving mood and energy levels.

Last but certainly not least:

Patience is important. Unfortunately it is much easier and faster to gain weight than it is to lose it. We all have a bad day or bad week or even month when we eat too much or exercise too little. No one is perfect and what is important is to get back into your healthy routines. Dieting and fad diets set us up to fail. Weight loss should be about incorporating healthy foods, effective supplements and regular exercise into a manageable daily regime. Not only will the scales go down, but you will notice an improvement in your self confidence, energy and general health. That is motivating in itself.

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