Meditations: A Simple Healing Meditation Practice

The role of meditation in essence is to assist you in maintaining your mind and body. The power of our mind is often overlooked in Western Society where as in other parts of the world like Asia, they recognize the power of the mind to assist in healing your body. This meditation is one that you can use to simply help heal you body. I should note that it is not a substitute for other medical assistance, but should be used in conjunction with traditional medicine.

The first part of this meditation is to get you into the meditation position. For this meditation either the seated meditation position or sitting on a chair will be appropriate. I also recommend for this meditation that you use Baroque Style Meditation music played at 60 beats per minute as we want your brain to be in its optimum mode to help with the healing process.

Whilst you are seated make sure that your back is straight, shoulders straight and your head should be upright. This will ensure that you can breathe clearly through your nose. Begin the healing meditation with simple breathing meditation that is light breathing out through your nose. As you are doing this clear your mind of yours thoughts. Once you have got to the required state of relaxation it is now time to begin the Healing Meditation.

In your minds eye, open your mind to you being seated by a beautiful flowing stream with the most brilliant colors of green around you. You should feel the sun touching your face so gently. As your mind is opening your imagination you should feel the stress and pain in your body slowly sink away into the ground. As that tension and stress flows into the ground, you should feel renewed energy fill the void of that tension.

Now the healing can begin. As the tension and stress slips away and the new energy comes into your body, focus that energy on parts of your body that have been in pain or hurting. Feel the energy encapsulate those points of pain and the healing to begin. To help you further with the healing process, now put your feet into the stream. Feel the rushing water pass by and the tension flow away.

Continue this meditation till you feel refreshed and vibrant. When you come out of the meditation session spend a few minutes sitting on the flow or in the meditation position you chose and simply feel the renewed energy in your body. This meditation technique is worth doing at least once a week to help you renew the energy in your body.

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