Oh, How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You

Courtship never has to end in marriage – it should be viewed as another dimension for unrelenting exchange of endearment, excitement and adulation. Alas, this is not happening to couples, which in fact is a foremost ground for coldness, apathy eventually breakdown. Actually, unfaithfulness in marriage is only an offshoot of this shortcoming. So, how do you keep the music playing?

Never Underestimate the Power of Touch

Stroke her hair, cup her chin in a cute way tap her shoulder from the side, hold hands in the most natural way- even if everyone is watching, touch her cheek, lay your head on his shoulders, there are many ways to touch to put across your message of love.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Try to infuse humor in the relationship to keep situations light. Indeed, there are rainy days but there is no use to fret about it forever, keep the laughter alive and joke about a certain circumstance that you are fond of. Keep positive vibes surround you both as best source of humors.


A gift could be in any form, well, I love gifts that are least expected. Normally, we ask people what they like so we would know what to buy for them on special events, but I think it is much sweeter if we allow our instinct to do that for us. Try to recall conversations made in the past, pretty sure he/she has mentioned things that of interest to him/her. Do not wait for occasions to come for the opportunity to give. Give it away, with all your heart.


Offer to run errands for her to keep her schedule light. Randomly do things in his/her behalf especially if you see she has been squeezing in between schedules for some tasks. For men, offer to do the groceries for her to have time for the salon and for women, to prepare his clothes for the day or perhaps, grab his favorite drink in the nearby coffee shop.


Keep words of appreciation overflowing. Apologize if needed and comfort him/her in distressing times. Listen to each other’s needs so you will know how to best respond, choose the right words and timing when confrontation is needed.


Explore the possibilities to improve your sex life. Break traditional rules and try new things. Change venue, change style and change your approach. Talk about it, be open and keep the ball rolling on who is going to be in charge. The key is you keep the excitement like the first time.

There are more avenues within your reach to keep the burning desire to be with your partner growing. The key is you keep your heart open and teachable to bring out the best lover in you!

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