Tips For Relieving Stress

We cannot avoid the fact that we live in a high-stress culture. The economy is less than desirable (leading to financial problems for many) and at the moment the end is not in sight.

Some of us will continue along without any real wear and tear showing but others are not quite so lucky. There are debates about why it is that some people seem to weather storms more easily than others. Genetics may play a role as well as the fact that some of us simply seem to have more burdens to bear.

Regardless of which group you belong it is important to learn about coping mechanisms that work for you. A coping mechanism is just a tool, an activity of some sort that helps us to deal with stress. You probably use some coping mechanisms without knowing it.

Do you eat when you are stressed or bored, or do you listen to a particular type of music when you are feeling lonely or depressed? Those are examples of coping mechanisms.

Many people have found that guided imagery, self-hypnosis, or journaling can be helpful when stress seems overwhelming. Other people find that an activity such as exercise, yoga, or even housework can aid in decreasing stress levels.

Housework can aid in a number of ways. The individual can work off some negative energy while gaining the advantage of the additional exercise. Cleaning usually results in the removal of clutter and clutter is known to cause stress.

Keeping or having a clean house can result in saving money because bills may be organized in a way that provides easier access leading to on-time payments, possibly saving late charges. If the kitchen is clean one is more likely to cook at home. Items can be more easily found eliminating the need to replace things that you already have.

Having a clean home brings about an appreciation for what you have and your home is more likely to be thought of as a beautiful haven. While cleaning you are able to escape from all other thoughts and focus on what needs to be cleaned and how to go about that. This can be compared with the effects felt through meditation. Many people listen to music while doing housework which simply adds another element of distraction from the current stresses.

If you do not happen to find housework a useful stress reliever there are other alternatives. Breathing exercises can be very helpful. All one needs to do is focus on controlling breathing efforts. Practice effective breathing by make your breathing pattern slow and even. I find it helpful if I close my eyes and envision dirty air being exhaled and being replaced with sparkling clean air.
Pets have also been found to decrease stress levels. Some studies have shown that enjoying time with a pet can even result in lowered blood pressures.

On a daily basis one should strive to get sufficient rest. Although sleep is important, the rest referred to in the case is not limited to sleeping, by rest I mean doing enjoyable activities that are not strenuous. Proper nutrition and regular exercise are of primary concern in relation to stress. Avoidance of caffeine, cigarettes, and alcohol can help to alleviate some stress.

Although there is not any one right way to deal with stress it is important that each individual discover effective coping mechanisms. It is just as important that the individual knows himself very well. Get in tune with your body. Learn to recognize signals that things are out of whack and respond to those signals before problems escalate.

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