Can Music Also Be The Savior To Your Drink Problem?

Can music also be the savior to your drink problem? Download Free Rock Music, and listen to this Gene Pool track, plus watch our 3D animated videos for FREE!

There are various medications that can be used to stop people drinking. However, these are by no means always used, and most people prefer to try other therapies such as psychological approaches. None of the drug treatments offers anything like a miracle cure that might enable you simply to stop drinking. And there is nothing like the nicotine replacement therapies used to wean smokers off cigarettes, which could act as an alcohol substitute. But there are some medications that can help you to deal with the symptoms of withdrawal and the craving for alcohol. Some of the best results are achieved by intensive and carefully structured rehabilitation programmes, in which these drug treatments play a specific but limited part.

First of all there are tranquilisers. Some tranquillisers, such as chlordiazepoxide may be useful to help cope with the effects of withdrawal when you first stop drinking alcohol. In the first week – often referred to as detoxification people experience intense anxiety, shakes, tremors, cravings and even hallucinations. People also have problems sleeping. Usually, chlordiazepoxide is used only for this short period. Beta blockers such as propranolol may also be used to control these symptoms.

Next, there is a drug for alcohol craving called the camprosate and this has been developed specifically to help people deal with the intense craving for alcohol that may be experienced after giving up. It may double your chances of giving up successfully. Drugs to put you off alcohol such as disulfiram are the third and final option. If you drink alcohol while taking this medication, you’ll feel extremely unwell with intense nausea and flushing. This can help to put you off the idea of a drink, but you have to be diligent about taking it in the first place.

Author: Blueford Ups
Distributed by: Redvers Downs

Redvers Downs was massively influenced by rock music, especially from The Small Faces, The Who, The Kinks, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and The Spencer Davies Group, to mention a few. The change in music styles of today has seen Redvers Downs write some influential protest song lyrics and be outstandingly creative in the production of 3D animation videos.

This arena rock hero has written outstanding guitar anthems that has filled rock stadiums and is truly a guitar hero to his many worldwide fans. At Redvers Downs website you can listen to free rock music downloads, watch music videos and even download rock music.
Redvers Downs Ltd

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