Dealing With Sensitive Ears And Sound Hypersensitivity

Hearing is vital to every man’s relationship. It helps him cope with work, socialize and most importantly, gives him the ability to be connected with the surroundings and play a critical role in dealing with families. Having sensitive ears is something to be dealt with seriously and must be handled with care and better understanding.

As for many people, this can be devastating which most often than not, affects mainly their lives and tends to lead to reduced income, low self-esteem, social isolation and decreased choices in life.

There are many conditions related to sound hypersensitivity. To name a few, they are migraine, headache, tinnitus which is a buzzing or ringing sound in the ear, ear canal infection, aspirin poisoning, earwax blockage, Meniere’s disease, chronic sinusitis, Swimmer’s ear, Labyrinthitis, and the list goes on. There are countless ways of describing sound sensitivity. Some people may merely have an uncommon level of irritation produced by some loud noises. The most relevant however is “Phonophobia”, which means a state where a certain person develops fear of sound or emotional reactivity and is responding to psychological rather than to physical causes. Another condition that is commonly known as “Hyperacusis” which means something is wrong with the operation of auditory reception or the ear pathways in the brain and as a result, the sounds are experienced as being very loud and sometimes even painful. In some cases both conditions may occur. A more extreme form of sound sensitivity is where a sound becomes so magnified by the ear that it somehow reverberates or echoes inside the head and becomes louder than the original sound. This is often termed as “recruitment”.

Only people who experience, know someone, or live with someone who experiences this kind of sound hypersensitivity can relate to the frustration this ailment can bring to their lives. It may become a painful or traumatic experience, driving, travelling, or even just plainly walking, being stuck in traffic or using household appliances and kitchen wares, movies, music and other social activities. A person dealing with one of these conditions may become so isolated, or may want to live in a secluded area just to avoid normal activities such as work, amusement, leisure and group events. Minor cases are still a major hassle as there is little consideration in society for this type of incapacity. No matter where you go, the world is a noisy place.

Dealing with it is tougher than anyone would have thought. However, as hard as it may sound, there are remedies available for anyone who encounters such a problem. Tips which may help are as follows:

1. Salt warmed up in a tea bag

2. Tea trea oil or Oregano extract

3. Mixing 50/50 white vinegar and rubbing alcohol in a dropper

4. Apple cider vinegar

5. Black pepper or cayenne pepper

6. Coconut oil

7. Cod liver oil

8. See a doctor

When pain and discomfort cannot be alleviated with home remedies, one may resort to Homeopathy or commonly known as homeopathic medicine. It can be very helpful in complex and serious conditions practiced by physicians who are licensed and specializing in the field of medicine and other prescribers qualified to perform as such in most continents of the world such as UK, US, Asia and Europe.

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