Effective Headache Remedies And Treatments You Can Use

Everybody has definitely experienced a headache once in his or her lifetime. Since it is one of the indispensable and common illnesses everyone experiences, people have learned to find ways to relieve the discomfort brought by headache.


Contrary to popular belief, headaches cannot be cured but they can be managed or controlled. Today, more and more medications have emerged that aim to stop the throbbing pain associated with it or stop the symptoms that have resulted from it.

Taking in medications is the most popular way of combating the pains brought about by headaches. People from the medical field have categorized these into two: the Prophylactic treatment that is done every day to reduce the severity and frequency of attacks and Abortive treatment that is done once the headache attack begins.

A physician usually suggests prophylactic treatment only if the person is experiencing numerous headache attacks monthly. Once you have undergone this treatment, the doctor will strictly monitor the possible side effects like lethargy, drastic weight gain, hallucinations, memory impairment, and water retention.

While taking in this medication, make sure that you don’t combine it with any weight loss products. For starters, make sure that you are taking in low doses first before taking in large dose under prescription to test if it’s working correctly. Your physician should also constantly monitor any drug or vitamin intake and see if these interfere with the medication.

Pregnant women are not allowed to take this kind of medication and make sure that the medication is discontinued once the headache becomes manageable.

Prophylactic treatment involves the use of Beta Blockers like tenormin, lopressor, and inderal, Calcium Channel Blockers like cardizem, dilacor, and procardia, Antidepressants like elavil and Zoloft, Serotonin Antagonists like Sansert, Anticonvulsants like tegretol, depakote, and dilantin, and Ergot derivatives like cafergot.

Abortive treatment, on the other hand, is considered the first line of defense against headaches by taking in over-the-counter painkillers like aspirin, acetaminophen like tylenol, panadol or ibuprofen. Usually, physicians prescribe a medication that is a combination of analgesic with other substances in order to increase its effects.

In order to relieve anxiety, abortive treatments also involve the usage of anti-inflammatory drugs known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs that include naprosyn, anaprox, ponstel, meclomen, tolectin, and toradol which are helpful in treating headaches.

Although NSAIDs are used both symptomatically and prophylactically, experts warn future users that these may lead to side effects like gastrointestinal pains and disorder like diarrhea or constipation along with nausea or dizziness.


Headaches are usually caused by physical and emotional stress. If you are dying to find a solution to your persistent headache, try taking in over the counter remedies like aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen. But if you are not a big fan of prescribed or over the counter medications, try these home remedies for a change.

– Try using compresses or cold packs. For tension headaches the most common form of headache try applying a warm or cold compress to your forehead and the base of your neck to numb the pain.

– Try using heat. If cold compresses wouldn’t work out for you, try using a warm washcloth or a hot water bottle can ease pain.

– Develop a routine of deep breathing exercises. If you suffer from headaches very often, try sitting in a darkened room, take in deep breaths using your nose, and let it pass through your mouth.

– Experience the wonders of acupressure. By squeezing the web of skin between and the thumb through acupressure, it can reduce the pains and can help you relax.

– Try relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, and biofeedback. By trying these relaxation techniques, the person who suffers from headache can feel the pain flowing out of the head. It can also help reduce stress.

– Relieve the affected area by applying ointment with heat. Ben-Gay or Icy Hot rubbed on forehead or on the base of the neck, can give a soothing warm feeling to your head.

– The power of music. Try listening to a relaxing music while lying down or resting.

– Exercise regularly. Physical activities like regular exercise can relieve stress because it can loosen up the knots and balls of pain in your head.

– Get enough sleep. Having six to eight hours of sleep can help you soothe your tired nerves. But, beware of sleeping more than 10 hours because it can cause major headache as well.

– If possible, use a neck pillow in bed. If you are prone to experiencing morning headaches, try using a neck pillow to your neck while you sleep.

– Totally eliminate caffeine, salt, MSG, and chocolate in your diet. Load up on lots of fruits, veggies, and water to keep your body well hydrated.

– If you can, avoid bright light because it leads to a major headache once your squint.

– Don’t skip meals. Skipping meals can lead to low blood sugar. When your sugar level goes down, your blood vessels in the brain tightens that leads to headache.

– Don’t eat foods that have nitrates, sulfites, and msg because these are primary headache causers. Also avoid aged cheeses and nuts so you won’t experience headaches.

– Don’t smoke and avoid smoke-filled rooms.

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