How Music Can Calm Down The Mind

The healing power of music is not really a recent sensation. Music is undoubtedly energy and vibration. While it can calm down the mind, it also relaxes the body and the spirit.

A Brief History

Across time and space, several cultures have recognized the strength of music. For example, Hindus, and, after a while, Buddhists incorporate the ‘om’ sound during rituals. This sound is definitely the essence of divinity; Buddhists identify it probbaly the most primal of vibrations. Ancient philosophers like Confucius understood that music was a formula made of energy. For ancient Asian societies, music showed a primary vehicle for communicating with divine energy. Great thinkers like Albert Einstein, a scientist, and Shakespeare, a playwright, supported the theory and practice of music.


While the ancients recognized about the power of music, the joy of sound therapy is somewhat new in the modern world. The mind, body and spirit usually are connected. Once the mind relaxes, the body’s muscles and spirit do at the same time. Patients suffering from an illness have also reported less pain and stress. More uninterrupted sleep and an improvement in the digestive system have also been cited as the benefits of sound therapy. Music is a remarkable way for the mind to recall memory. Music has such an essential role in memory that it has been reported that a lost Alzheimer’s patient could get back to their home with sound. Music can also be associated with areas of the brain that control language, timing and motor control. The infrastructure of the brain is basically designed to support discrete parts of music, e.g. harmony and rhythm.


While the majority would believe that a genre like classical may have soothing properties, any genre can because just about all genres have sounds; sounds are the basis of relaxation because they evoke emotions. A genre like classic rock is normally related to high adrenaline feelings like anger. However, what many do not realize is that this genre stimulates relaxation by simply allowing one to release pent-up feelings. The completely unique reggae genre transports the listener to paradisiacal beaches; the music can be liberating, carefree and elaborate. Classical music has often been connected with the brain’s capability to learn; a majority have labeled this ability as the ‘Mozart Effect.’ Listening to classical music can also be linked to a bigger production of endorphins. The music contains the calming effects of one dose of Valium.

Music is certainly the food for the soul. Immediately after a long demanding hours at work, just a touch of music may make your mind and body relaxed.

Brain wave music can literally be a life-saver for those times in our lives when our stress levels become unmanageable. In fact, relaxation techniques (including brain wave music) not only can save your life – but can also drastically improve the quality of your life when integrated into your life long-term.

Doctors tell us that chronic stress is killing us. I’m not talking about the life-saving, short-term, situational type of stress – the readiness state that our body adopts during an encounter with a saber-toothed tiger – or (in today’s terms) when narrowly escaping a traffic accident.

I’m talking about the long-term chronic type of stress that comes from living a complex life in a complex society. Living in modern society is great. It has a great number of advantages and it offers us an even greater number of opportunities. But the complexities of modern societal life also saddle us with a great number of worries. And those worries cause stress. And, as doctors tell us – that never-ending chronic stress is slowly killing us.

Stress upsets nearly every system in your body. Among other things, stress can cause anxiety, accelerated aging, an increase in the risk of heart attack risk and/or stroke, a compromising of our immune system and digestive problems. And this is only a partial list.

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