Rome: Race For The Cure, 17th Of May 2009

The marathon �Race for the Cure� was first held in 1982 in the United States, and was then exported to many other countries, like Italy: on the 17th of May Rome will host the 20th edition of the race, that has taken place for two years also in Bari and in Bologna (this year the marathon will be held in the two Italian cities on the 24th of May and on the 27th of September respectively). The event is a good mix of sport, entertainment and solidarity, which persuades every year a number of sportspeople, but not only them, to spend a low cost weekend in Rome: while the first edition which took place in Italy’s capital city attracted about 5,000 people, with the passing of time the event has grown, and last year it set the record of 37,000 participants. According to the organisers, this number is expected to increase in 2009, as this year the 10th edition of the race will be celebrated.

One of the reasons of the success of the event is the variety of spaces and happenings that it includes, which are meant to meet everyone’s needs and desires and to combine perfectly solidarity, discussions on important issues and entertaining. The ones who love sport, marathon in particular, will enjoy the race: professional runners will have the possibility to take part in a real competition (both individually and as part of a group), and to be awarded (prizes include awards for the first 10 classified men, the first ten classified women, the first 10 groups and the first 10 �pink ladies�, i.e. women who have faced or are fighting against breast cancer, and who will wear a pink t-shirt and cap), but also people who have not practised or who simply prefer to take a walk will participate in the event, taking part in a 2 km walk which takes place through some of the most beautiful areas of Rome. This is also a good chance for families to book a family hotel in Rome and spend a day outdoors in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and children will also have the possibility to have fun in a wide and equipped fun area.

If you wish to take part in the race book an apartment in Rome city centre: the start is set at 10:00 o’clock at the �Nando Martellini� Stadium, Terme di Caracalla, where many stalls and special spaces will be set up for those who prefer not to take part in the marathon: live music, stalls of the sponsors and much more. However, the event is mainly meant to raise funds for research and cure (participants in the marathon will pay at least a 10 euro contribution) and to promote prevention: early diagnosis, indeed, can increase the chance of survival up to 90%. To give a concrete help and signal, on the 16th of May a �Prevention Village� will be set up and here, giving priority to the most disadvantaged women, women will have the chance to undergo free breast examinations, echographies and mammographies.

Tickets: 10 euro
Date: 17th May 2009
Location: �Nando Martellini� Stadium, Terme di Caracalla, Rome, Italy

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