Yoga For Relief During Menopause

Exercise is the key component to preventing weight gain during menopause. It has also been found to be effective in dealing with many other menopause symptoms like hot flashes, stress and anxiety, reducing fatigue and keeping high blood pressure at bay. Some of the best forms of exercise are jogging, cycling, yoga, stretching, strength training and aerobic activity.

Imagine a room where you are alone, no children to disrupt your peace, and you can let your mind go anywhere you want it to go while listening to soothing music and a soothing voice help you breathe and stretch. This is yoga and benefits of menopause. Your children are usually grown up and leaving the house, you have more time to get back in to your hobbies, and you can spend more time with yourself again. Your husband may understand your need to be alone to meditate as you have undoubtedly blasted him with your temper you cannot seem to control.

Feelings like depression can also come with menopause even though it’s not technically consider as a symptom of the condition. Consult with your doctor if you feel unable to deal with your situation or your mood getting worse. Moreover it is also very common to feel uncomfortable about the physical changes which are happening. Women will feel helpless as their whole body seems to be out of control. Menopause symptoms such as night sweats, hot flashes, weight gain and the end of your child bearing capabilities are some of the problems that you’ll deal with.

Hormone imbalances that occur during perimenopause and menopause can be the cause of this uncomfortable symptom. These imbalances can create an environment where you have an increased vulnerability to anxiety types of disorders. Although hormones may catalyze intense feelings, they aren’t necessarily the direct cause. To eliminate panic attacks during menopause, you may need to consult your primary physician before making a decision on how to deal with it.

If you haven’t done any yoga before, it would be best to go to a class to learn. No DVD or book can quite replace watching a teacher demonstrate a posture, taking you through the different breathing practices, and offering insight into how your body is coping with the poses. It also helps to have a practical grounding like this if you’re reading yoga books, where they will present a number of different poses and variations. Learning yoga first by practicing it in class, gives you the experience to adapt what you read in books to your own needs.

During menopause, other things like foods such as cheese, avocado, nuts, meat tenderizers, and chocolate have been known to bring on a migraine. Other factors a woman must look for are certain medications including oral contraceptives, changes in weather, fatigue, and alcoholic beverages.

During perimenopause, one of the worst effects is that a woman tends to get irritated very easily and suffers from radical changes in her mood. This affects her emotional well being and at the same time, distresses people who are close to her. Thus, keeping a woman in the best of her emotional health during her menopause years is of great importance. Aromatherapy can help one do just that.

Yoga plays an important role in providing relief from some of the biological changes that take place in the body of a woman, and benefit the person’s emotional well being to a great extent. Many women going through the pre-menopausal stage have reported that yoga seems to be highly beneficial during this time.

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